Break Method | Sustainable Therapy Alternative
Self-Care requires a rainbow of actions - and facing and voicing your needs bravely and honestly. Avoiding true self-care - or pretending your bubble baths and facials are self-care - is a deep and powerful message: Why are you not caring for yourself?
Forget the bubble baths!
How about getting some help with your self-care plan?
For many (most) of us, our childhood memories are bifurcated into moments of wonder and incidents of pain.
The magic of childhood.
And the source of adult angst.
Popular approaches to healing the inner child make two mistakes and are ineffective.
The Break Method - industry disruptive approach - solves those mistakes. Click to read more!
Break Method grads rewire the skull-brain. But balancing (rewiring) the gut brain is a crucial piece of puzzle to live an authentic, best life.
Even one cookie, one piece of bread, one Dorito, could be destabilizing our gut-brain and then our head-brain.
But what if Alice has the right idea? Perhaps eating healthy could help solve one’s physical - and mental - problems?