Winter Semester Bonus Lecture Portal

Welcome to your Bonus Lecture Portal. You gained access to these videos because you enrolled in Winter Semester before 1/3 via the Launch List. In here, you will find two bonus video lectures + workbook pages that will help to supplement the work you'll be diving into when you start The School of Sustainable Self-Mastery. 

As a reminder, the FULL course portal will open on 1/15 and the first lecture will occur within a few days after that.

Enjoy, and we look forward to working with you!

1) BUSINESS + BREAK: How to do Business Without Selling Your Soul, Destroying Friendships or Driving Yourself Crazy

Click here to download the Lecture Slides + Workbook Pages

2) 2020 - THE WTF YEAR: How to Navigate Uncertain Times With Resilience + Sovereignty


Click here to download the Lecture Slides + Workbook Pages