Sales Team Onboarding Portal

Welcome to the Break Method Family.

This portal will help you get acquainted with the brand, our product offerings, mission statement and sales techniques as well as our core values. At Break Method, we are committed to building the world we want to live in - not just complaining about it. It is critical that this ideal be embodied by each and every member of our team.

In the work environment this looks like communicating with a solutions-focused attitude and  believing in yourself to bring big ideas to the table and convey them to leadership without self-doubt. We want to empower each person on the team to bring ideas, solutions and brainstorming sessions to the company even if it's technically not part of their department. We have found that once people join the team and properly anchor themselves into the Break Method approach, ideas will instantly start coming flowing about how to nurture and grow our reach. This has been consistent since day one. Whether the idea or solution applies to advertising, social media or the executive team, we will always provide a space for team members to bring potential solutions and ideas to the table to contribute positively to the growth and integrity of the business. 


We also strongly believe that we can change the world on a macro-level by helping the individual disrupt their own brain pattern. When that person breaks through the aspects that distort the way they perceive reality and communicate in a way that creates chaos, friction or toxicity, they create a positive ripple in their family, community and workplace. These Break Method graduates begin to lead by example and often refer 10-15 students each within 6 months. When someone observes their massive shift firsthand, they often become the BIGGEST believers in what we do. We will often hear: "If you helped this person stop being an a**hole, then count me in. I thought they were hopeless."

Break Method is built on the foundation of sustainability. We want this to be the last amount of money any student ever has to invest in their mental health. Today's world has become a revolving door of money spent on self-help books, courses with  

 1. Break Method Sales Webinar

OBJECTIVE: This lecture outlines what Emotional Repatterning specifically is, what BREAK is and how it works, + the overall BREAK mission. BREAK is unlike any other program; it is a very set system + container. This program works for every type of person you could imagine because it dives into the individual's brain patterns that they are perceiving the world through. 


BIG TAKEAWAY: At the end of the program, students come out a much more authentic version of themself. Students become more aware of how they are perceiving the world + communicating in specific ways because they understand their perception, assumptions, adaptations, + protective reflexes that had shifted the way they express themselves and thus created the world they lived in. At the end of the program students are able to see the world in a completely new way that they were previously unaware of + build the world they want to live in.

2. Source Belief Etiologies

 3. Brain Pattern Constellations 

OBJECTIVE: This lecture goes over how each concept in BREAK Method links together. The golden arches of hamster wheel doom describes the exact pathway that we navigate through our brain patterns. We start with our Origin Emotion ACBs which trigger our Orign Source Belief. Our Origin Source Belief ACBs trigger our Protective Emotion ACBs which trigger our Adaptive Source Belief ACBs which trigger our F*** it Emotion ACBs. Your brain is firing these things in a very specific order of Emotion, Belief, Emotion, Belief, Emotion. Our primary chakra imbalance is taking place during the swing from Origin to Protective Emotion. As you move and engage from your primary imbalance to your secondary imbalance, you will be going through Origin Emotion, Origin Source Belief, + landing back down at your Protective Emotion. When you move from Protective Emotion to Adaptive Source Belief and back down at your F*** it Emotion, that is when you are ocillating with your tertiary imbalances. 

The hamster wheel of doom also fits in with your 5 dominos:

Domino 1 = Origin Emotion

Domino 2 = Origin SB

Domino 3 = Protective Emotion

Domino 4 = Adaptive SB

Domino 5 = F*** It Emotion

BIG TAKEAWAY: The ACB Pathway: Origin Emotion ACBs -> Origin SB ACBs -> Protective Emotion ACBs -> Adaptive SB ACBs -> F*** It Emotion ACBs.

Remember that your assumption is your snapshot assessment -> what is going to happen? Your conclusion is -> what am I going to do about that? The conclusion serves as a bridge to inform the next ACB pathway. Many times when formulating ACBs you'll try to blend assumption and conclusion together. It's important to unwind these because a key aspect of rewiring is understanding where exactly you are at in the process so that you know how to get yourself out. Each point on the map has very specific ELI questions to utilize, so if you don't know where you are, then you won't know how to properly rewire in that moment.

4. The Misconception of Ego

OBJECTIVE: Here Bizzie describes what she believes the Ego is in comparison to other common definitions used in today's culture. This lecture is focused on the how the Ego can potentially be perceived as a distorted version of our true selves because of how our brain patterns influence and warp the true soul as it is attempting to shine through. This could also be described as your personality. BREAK helps you understand the distortion so that you can be mmore authentic in your personality and express your true self. 

BIG TAKEAWAY: Your personality isn't static; it can be adjusted to more authentically communicate your true soul. Personality traits are not positive or negative; they are simply perceived on a spectrum identified as positive or negative terms. For instance, one person may perceive something as aggressive while another person sees the same trait as determined. To convey our true soul, we have to do our part to be aware of how our personality distortion prevents people from understanding and seeing us the way we really want. This in turn impacts our ability to connect to + trust other human beings.

5. Intro to Emotional Repatterning

OBJECTIVE: In today's lecture, students will be introduced to the tool we refer to as ELI. Examples will be given to illustrate how ELI works using a tangible physical example as well as in-depth emotional response examples. Focus will be placed on understanding the subjective nature of perception of reality and how that impacts memory encoding. Students will learn how to determine an override message versus a spontaneously occurring belief. The lecture will close with tools and a framework to create pattern interruption questions that get rapid results and will be practiced throughout the course.

BIG TAKEAWAY: By the end of the lecture you should have a working understanding of what ELI is, how to begin using it in your daily life and the basic architecture of how to create powerful ELI questions. You should be able to begin thinking of your current frustrations, anxiety patterns or relationship roadblocks in the context of the ELI case study examples given at the end of the lecture. This doesn't mean MASTERY by any means. This is merely the initial introduction. You should simply be able to understand the basics and start the process of using the framework to approach some of the issues that brought you to Break Method.

6. Relationship Communication Patterns 

OBJECTIVE: In this lecture Bizzie deep dives on Emotional Addiction Cycle [ Emotional Timeline ] ACB's. The ACBs break down our Emotional Addiction Cycles and Source Belief Pattern into more detailed parts so that we can further understand these cycles and how our cycles interact with others to form symbiotic dysfunction. We discover that the red cones that we feed ourselves to activate our Emotional Addiction Cycle each follow the ACBs [ Assumption, Conclusion, Behavior ]. Assumption is the snapshot judgement we make about our environment that isn’t rational and based on the past. As soon as our brain makes that snapshot judgment [ Assumption ], it then tries to problem solve and comes up with a rule which is our Conclusion which is faulty and illogical. The Conclusion is a very direct rule that goes hand in hand with our Source Belief Pattern and Emotional Addiction Cycle and can be directly ELIed. Then our brain gives us options of behavior choices that align with the Conclusion it came up with. Once the Conclusion is formulated, it is like our brain puts on blinders and hides any behavioral choices that are outside the scope of the Conclusion. Our goal is to poke holes in the Assumption and Conclusion so that we can change the behavior and have many more possibilities available in how to choose to respond. It is important to note that each stage of the Emotional Addiction Cycle has its own ACBs. As we go through these, your brain wants to bulk it all together and often only pays attention to the F*** It Emotion and ACBs but it is important to be able to break them down granularly so that we can pinpoint the origin emotion ACBs so that we stop the whole cycle from running. Bizzie provides many examples for different ACB patterns to give you a starting position for discovering your ACBs.

BIG TAKEAWAY: After this lecture you should be able to write out your Emotional Addiction Cycle [ Emotional Timeline ] ACBs. The examples provide a great starting place but be sure to add your own specific details and dial them in for you personally. After this lecture you should understand that the red cone isn't simply a Behavior change; the red cone really starts with the Assumption. The ACBs are how we feed ourselves red cones. But the behavior we select after our Conclusion is the red cone that we give to people around us.

Remember, before BREAK we get triggered [ something outside of our minds or someone’s red cone to us ], then our brain formulates an Assumption and goes to a Conclusion from which we choose a Behavior which is a red cone that triggers the other person to begin their ACBs. This is symbiotic dysfunction and how we get ourselves back to being triggered again. We have opportunities to interrupt this pattern and make a change with an interruption technique.

After BREAK we can interrupt this pattern and make a change at different points throughout this cycle. Technique #1 is understanding your triggers and how we respond to them out of reflex. If we know something triggers us and we’re going to be around it, we are then ready to ELI. Technique #2 is interrupting the Assumption of the Origin Emotional response with ELI [ poke holes in that faulty Assumption ]. Technique #3 is using ELI to arrive at a logical and productive Conclusion. Technique #4 is selecting a new green cone behavior. This is your last chance to NOT respond with a red cone. When we provide a green cone the person then has a new stimulus to respond to that doesn’t directly activate their ACBs. These techniques are your 4 changes to STOP the symbiotic dysfunction. When we serve a green cone the person has 3 options of how to respond. It’s important for us to have if / then commitments and boundaries to handle how the person chooses to respond to our green cones. Bizzie goes over reminders of how to use ELI properly to stay in logic and not get pulled back into the emotional response as well as general ELI architecture to ensure our logical questions are properly developed

7. Relationship Communication + Source Belief Patterns [ The RESET ]

OBJECTIVE: In this lecture Bizzie breaks down the moving pieces that make up communication. Our goal is to become more aware of our perception and how we communicate that to others. Often when we initially attempt to replace red cones with green, we swing to the complete opposite side of how we’ve been communicating which simply results in another red cone. Here we learn how to represent ourselves and communicate authentically with green cones through understanding how we are communicating to others. This lecture has many reminders and reviews previous concepts we’ve learned


BIG TAKEAWAY: Communication is made of goals, assumptions, intentions + motives, expectation, and styles. When you communicate, imagine you are trying to throw a football to another person. Ideally we want the other person to catch the football and throw it back to us and play a game of giving and receiving. However, there are a variety of problems with these interactions because we often don’t communicate that we’re throwing the football, who we are throwing it to, or throw it in a way that could ever be caught. So if we think of communication like a football, step one would be showing and telling the person that you’re going to throw the ball and where you’re going to throw it so that they have a better chance of catching the ball. After they catch it, they have to do the same to throw the ball back to you. But we often don’t set this process up correctly. Sometimes we pretend we’re not going to throw the football then quickly grab it and spike it at them. We need to understand the ways we’re incorrectly throwing the ball so that we can correct them. What is your intent or motive for throwing the ball? Is the motive perpetuating your Emotional Addiction Cycle and Source Beliefs? What are your faulty assumptions? Is your goal clearly defined and articulated to the other person? Or are you hiding the ball and suddenly chucking it at them and getting angry at them for not catching it? Have you helped the person understand your expectations? It’s important to own up to these behaviors so that we can adjust them.





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