Kate M Client Portal 2022
Welcome to the Private Client Course Portal
You'll be viewing selected videos from two of my courses The School of Sustainable Self-Mastery. As a private client you gain access to this course portal as well a series of one on one appointments to process your work. The calendly scheduling link will automatically generate Zoom links for each session.
- 12 Weeks of Intensive Repatterning Work [ + check-ins during the 30 day rewiring phase following our work ]
- Meet 2x per week for 30 minutes each on Zoom to review work and process / map all the brain patterns [ sessions are shorter as we will be processing smaller sections of work at one time ]
- A completely customized video dashboard that follows our plan of attack and includes all homework / workbook assignments with clear directives on what work we will be processing in each session
- Collaborative Break Blueprint [ typically students are expected to create this themselves as a cumulative learning process - I'll build this for you and then we can review together. It ensures you don't F yourself during the rewiring phase. ]
- Weekly Check-Ins during the rewiring phase to adjust, adapt or pivot the strategy as needed
- Ongoing Calendly scheduling link for future follow-ups at a 50% off rate for anything that comes up after we are complete
This video series teaches you how to stop self-sabotage, breakthrough stagnation and repetitive cycles [relationship, career, parenting, day-to-day] and rewire yourself to experience sustainable confidence + clarity [and YES - it's the same approach to all three ].
In order to achieve this lofty goal, you'll have to learn to address the subconscious behavior that creates the very situation in which you currently find yourself. To navigate through this course, you will have to come to terms with these 4 undeniable TRUTHS:
- Your thoughts are not objective truth and are often not even your own. We must be able to acknowledge that there is a subconscious voice whose directives perpetuate behavior that is NOT in alignment with our conscious goals and desires.
- Your brain was patterned during early childhood to label its environment and assess risk. The only thing that’s truly changed is the age of your body - not your brain.
- We repeat the same cycles, not because we choose to, but because we have allowed our internal thought processes, labeling and perception to be hijacked by our emotional addiction cycle. This cycle has years of practice with creating seemingly viable excuses, rationalizations and misleading conclusions to keep you stuck in your cycle.
- We must learn to observe our thoughts, motivations and suggested decision directives rather than experience them. This shift to observation allows us to see the pattern for what it is, disrupt the emotional response and choose a new option that our brain has never made available to us.
I realize that for many, the previously stated truths don’t sit well with you. Of course they don’t. That’s the initial stirring of cognitive dissonance; a feeling of mental discomfort that arises when conflicting beliefs, behaviors and attitudes get presented. As you move deeper into this work, you will learn to embrace this feeling because it signals that a major breakthrough is rounding the corner. This uneasiness is both predictable and expected. I’m asking you to acknowledge that your brain has been hijacked and, at the moment, you don’t know who it is, where they are or how to stop them. This is the first act of relinquishing control, an act that will be triggering for many embarking on this journey. However, as with the experience of cognitive dissonance, you will learn to enjoy this voluntary act of surrender and trust because it too signals another layer of freedom is approaching.
Let’s dig into this concept of freedom. Most people idealize the word in the their mind’s eye and immediately picture running in the wilderness or playing on a white sandy beach with no commitment. This is one of the primary traps created by society today. Freedom is not a destination that you have to travel to with an empty schedule and it’s also not a white sandy beach and a tan. Freedom is a state of mind in which you have the power to act, speak or think as you wish without hindrance or restraint. It is also the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. If your thoughts and perceptions of the world around you are hijacked by the unresolved childhood version of YOURSELF - are you truly free?
Downloadable Files
2. Directed Storytelling Turning Points
8. Exit Packet [ Cumulative Review ]
To schedule your appointments click HERE
The Video Lecture Series
** keep in mind we may choose to add pertinent video content as we move through based on what we find as we dig into your brain patterns
BREAK Method Tools Overview
Click HERE to download PDF Lecture Slides
1. Welcome to The RESET
Click HERE to download PDF Lecture Slides for Welcome to The RESET
2. Introduction to Emotional Repatterning
Click HERE to download PDF Lecture Slides for Intro to Emotional Repatterning
Recovering Lost Memory Tricks
3. Foundation Assessment: Life Audit 101
Click HERE to download PDF workbook for Foundation Assessment
4. Source Belief Timeline Process
Download PDF for Source Belief Timeline
5. Source Belief Pattern Etiologies
Click HERE for PDF Lecture Slides
Time to Schedule Appointments 1+ 2
6. Trigger Mapping
Click HERE to download PDF Lecture Slides for Trigger Mapping
7. Refining Emotional Addiction Cycles
Time to Schedule Appts 3+4
Click HERE to Download PDF Slides
8. Introduction to Chakra Diagnostics
Click HERE to download PDF lecture slides
9. Relationship Communication + Source Belief Patterns [Communication Football + Source Belief Patterns]
Click HERE to download PDF lecture slides
BONUS: Tale of Two Lawyers
10. Chakra Imbalance Patterns
Click HERE to download PDF lecture slides
Time to Schedule Appts 5+6
11. Maybe It IS You
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
Time to Schedule Appts 7+8
12. Relationship Pattern Interruption Techniques
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
13. Chakra Imbalance Patterns: Psych Disorders
Click HERE to download PDF lecture slides
14. Relationship Strategy Session
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
15. The Ultimate Guide to Red + Green Cones
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
16. Break Parenting Lecture
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
17. Compassion Fatigue
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
Time to Schedule Appts 9+10
18. Obstacle or Opportunity
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
19. Cultivating Confidence
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
20. Brain Constellations
Click HERE to download PDF Lecture Slides
21. The Misconception of Ego
Click HERE to download PDF Slides
Time to Schedule Appts 11+ 12 to Prep for Break Blueprint