BREAK Method: Restoring Generations, A Practitioner Training + Certification
A powerful training program to help you build efficient client containers with clear direction + sustainable results.
Training Highlights
60 Continuing Education Credits with 2 Live weekend Events of 30 hours and 30 hours of online course material with live and recorded Webinars, group and individual consultation.
Supervised small group practice on each training day
Collaborative learning process.
Specialized history taking to identify presenting problems and underlying issues.
Methods to rewire emotional patterns that reduce symptoms and bring accountability to clients lives.
Treatment planning to address past lives, current triggers and future needs
Intersections of Solution Focused therapy, Empowerment model and strengths based perspective as models for change in our ever changing world.
Intimate student to staff ratio to ensure adequate close, hands on supervision of the participants experiential practice as therapist and client alike.
Learning techniques and strategies to create a new life without the echoes of past trauma.
Become a pattern disruptor, by learning how to lead and assist people in their healing.
Innovative techniques to identify patterns that will systematically change your clients thought patterns and behaviors.
All learning will incorporate lectures, experiential exercises, large and small group discussion and small group supervision and practice sessions.
Qualifications for Attending: A clinical background is necessary for the effective application of the Break Method.. Qualified participants include all levels of mental health professionals who have a masters degree or higher in the mental health field and are licensed or certified through a state or national board which authorizes independent practice. LADC licensed professionals must also have a masters level license eligible mental health degree.
Intern/Graduate Student Requirements: Completion of graduate level coursework at an accredited school and be on a licensing track under state sanctioned supervision by a licensed clinician. Please submit a current supervisor’s letter with his/her/their degree and license number.
Questions or Concerns: If you have questions or concerns about the course content, references, content evaluation, or logistics, contact Rachel Yaccobucci email at:
Course Goals:
Practitioners will learn innovative techniques to identify patterns that will systematically change clients' thought patterns and behaviors.
Utilizing a Break Method informed developmental rubric participants will understand how personal experience and family history contribute to the psychogenics of medical and therapeutic engagement
Participants will understand the historical and societal trends contributing to the field of Therapy and Trauma Informed Care.
Break Method has a unique structure to enhance client/ patient success in treatment of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD.
Practitioners will recognize and develop skills to enhance their own practice and increase client participation in the therapeutic setting.
Practitioners will understand the implications of symbiotic dysfunction on a personal and professional level.
Break Method assists in preventing practitioner burnout and bolster the skills they need to cope with vicarious trauma.
Practitioners who work with people in the fields of victim services, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire services, and other allied professions,
will learn how to implement specific tools to prevent worker burnout and vicarious trauma responses for those who have continuous exposure to victims of trauma and violence.
Practitioners will learn how the normalization, dependency and desensitization of the human services field impacts our clients and how to combat client fatigue in the medical field.
Participants will be able to define and understand Cognitive Dissonance on the micro and macro level and how it impacts the decision making process for themselves and their clients.
This course will enhance access to and encourage participation among diverse populations.
Practitioners will master using self inquiry as a methodological tool to guide therapeutic inquiry and observation.
Practitioners will acquire confidence in correlating neuroscientific data with clinical presentation.
Practitioners will understand the multidimensional aspects of mental health as a function of integration of mind, body and spirit.
Weekend 1 Learning Objectives: 15
- Create an effective intake structure for new clients.
- Interpret data gleaned from the intake process and bypass the clients natural self defense mechanisms to extract relevant information.
- Demonstrate proficiency in leading a client through the intake process.
- Explain what an Origin and Adaptive Source Belief is and why it’s important.
- Identify their own Source Belief Patterns and interpret how they’ve influenced their beliefs and behaviors over time.
- Describe Emotional Addiction Cycles and Emotional Homeostasis.
- Formulate a Source Belief Hypothesis
- Demonstrate a working understanding of ELI questions and discuss their relevance to Emotional Pattern interrupt.
- Discuss ELI as a fundamental building block of Break and critique it’s importance in the client journey
- Design a base set of ELI questions to be used as a general guideline
- Utilize ELI questions to move themselves out of reacting and into responding.
- Develop personal ELI questions specific to an individual’s needs.
- Identify the different elements of Break and explain the general architecture of the entire holistic ecosystem.
- Review a Diagnostic Pattern and interpret the results.
- Discuss timeline from a scientific perspective, including how timeline imbalances play a significant role in a person’s emotional development.
- Define an Emotional Addiction Cycle
- Identify and rank the most common Emotional Addiction Cycle patterns.
- Define Anchors and Accelerators in the context of Break..
- Diagnose ACBs for each point along the Emotional Addiction and Source Belief cycles
- Assess Red Cone and Green Cone Behaviors
- Demonstrate Pattern Interruption techniques in a controlled setting.
- Create communication paths to facilitate shared goals with Anchors.
- Examine the roles of self sabotage, fear of commitment and learned helplessness present in the framework of Source Belief Patterns and Break Method.
- Recognize the warning signs of self destructive resistance patterns
- Prescribe and utilize tools to help the client overcome their inhibitors of lasting change.
- Utilize the methodology of Break to treat a range of physiological and psychological disorders, from mild adaptations to more severe.
- Discuss each of the Break Method tool sets in depth
- Demonstrate proficiency in knowing which tool set to apply for a client at any particular step in the Emotional Addiction Cycle.
- Observe the entire Break Method process as intended to unfold from intake to final strategies.
- Define the steps of the process and how they interact with each other.
- Utilize the Break Method Materials to begin working through the program as a regular client would.
- Identify the most common roadblocks to client success through review of case studies
- Design effective solutions to assist clients in avoiding challenges before they start or adapting as they experience resistance.
- Define the core mission and philosophies of Break.
- Identify what is expected of Break Method practitioners.
- Commit to going through the Break Method process as a client would.
- Plan a course of action to implement all of the resources covered in the course
- Prepare an education plan for the self study portion of Break before the next live training.
Online Learning Objectives: 30 CE
Online Learning
- Sex, Fantasy and Media Priming
- Money, Money, Money: Source Beliefs & Spending
- Food + Sex: Source Belief Based
- The Break Method Business Lecture
- The Victim & The Narcissist
- Toxic Relationships: Navigating Toxicity in the midst of Cancel Culture
- Relationship Strategy Session: How to Navigate Relationship Issues / Get on the same page
- Parenting Series (parts 1-3)
- The New Deviance
- Unwinding the ADHD Brain
- Compassion Fatigue
- Obstacle or Opportunity
- ELI & Hormonal Imbalance
Unit One 10 CE
- Tools and Breakdown of online course .5 CE
- Review of Weekend 1 LIVE Material 2.0 CE
- Sex, Fantasy and Media Priming 2.0 CE
- Money, Money, Money: Source Beliefs & Spending 2.0CE
- Food + Sex: Source Belief Based 2.0 CE
- The Break Method Business Lecture 1.5 CE
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Break Live Weekend 1 material
- Identify how food and sex impact our internal physiology, our emotional experience, and our energetic body and create repeating dysfunctional patterns of behavior
- Apply Break Method tools to patterns of spending money and explain the connection between issues of money and Source Belief patterns.
- Explain and identify 3 ways how media priming influences our behaviors
- List 3 ways how SB influence thought patterns of scarcity vs. abundance
- Describe how Break Method reduces compassion fatigue
Unit 2 10 CE
- The Victim & The Narcissist 2 CE
- Toxic Relationships: Navigating Toxicity in the midst of Cancel Culture 2.5 CE
- Relationship Strategy Session: How to Navigate Relationship Issues / Get on the same page 2.5 CE
- Parenting Series (parts 1-3) 3 CE
- Describe Cancel Culture and the impact it has on our work in the human service/medical field and the impact on victims of violence
- Explain and identify 3 key components in toxic relationships types
- Explain mechanisms of toxicity and how the experience is created.
- Identify 3 healthy communication / boundary techniques
- Explain how our parents Emotional Addiction Cycles impact us as adults
Unit 3 10 CE
- The New Deviance 2.0 CE
- Unwinding the ADHD Brain 2.0 CE
- Compassion Fatigue 2.0 CE
- Obstacle or Opportunity 2.0 CE
- ELI & Hormonal Imbalance 2.0 CE
- Describe the concept of SOUL-fishness.
Weekend 2 15 CE’s
- List ethical principles and considerations in using Break Method as a practitioner
- Apply the knowledge from the online course to the case study review
- Identify how Break Method tools assist in the prevention of worker burn out
- Demonstrate mastery of Break Method tools.
- Create and present knowledge and understanding with a group presentation/case study
- Plan and outline case study for small group feedback
- Document and explain their practical experience of the client journey through Break, describing unanticipated challenges, breakthrough moments and unanswered questions.
- Extrapolate data from the collective group experience and identify the most common areas of friction.
- Identify their personal Source Beliefs, ECAs, Timeline Diagnostics and ACB pathways in clearly defined detail.
- Demonstrate proficiency in recognizing and explaining their Emotional Response patterns.
- Posit a Source Belief Hypothesis and confirm it through extensive testing.
- Demonstrate proficiency in leading a client through the entire Break Method process, from intake to final graduation through a set container of 10 sessions or less.
- Form a hypothesis for each data point of the client journey, including SBs, EACs and Timeline Diagnostics
- Develop personalized ELI questions for an individual’s pattern disruption toolset.
- Define and present a client’s Red Cones and Green Cones at each stage of the Source Belief/Emotional Response Pattern
- Prescribe a post graduation implementation plan for the client to follow to incorporate Break work and fully rewire their emotional responses.
In-Person Weekend 1 Day 1 6.0 CE 8:30-5:00pm
- 8:30-8:45am Welcome/What is the Break Method? Why does it work? How is it different? 15 min
- 8:45-9:15am Overview of the System: Brain Constellations, Timeline Diagnostics, Source Belief Patterns and EA Cycles 30 min.
- 9:15-10:15 Data Extraction: How to Extract Accurate, Relevant Data without Self-Deception and Distraction 60 min
- 10:30-11:30am The Intake: Structure Generates Diagnostics (review of all questions, answer types and what these case study answers reveal, what we already start to see take shape as we complete the intro process, anger or pushback to the process or summarized form answers, how this helps us as we move forward) 60 min
- 11:30-12:30 Lists, Ordering and Connections: Using Break Tools to Uncover Tension, Emotional Addiction Cycles and Cast of Characters 60 min
- 1:30-2:00 pm Source Belief Patterns: Etiology, Timeline, Pattern Assessment + Hypothesis 30 min
- 2:00- 3:30 Introduction to Emotional Repatterning: Understanding ELI and General Architecture Questions (observing / finding the pause / choosing from END goal) 90 min
- 3:45-4:45pm Understanding the Diagnostic System Holistically 60 min
Live Weekend 1 Day 2 6.0 CE 8:15-5:00pm
- 8:00-8:15 Coffee/ Check -in
- 8:15-8:30 Day 2 Questions
- 8:30-10:00am Emotional Addiction Cycles: Understanding Emotional Homeostasis and 3-Part Emotional Response System 90. Min
- 10:15-11:45 am Family + Friends: Communication Patterns and Symbiotic Dysfunction 90 min
- 11:45-12:45pm Self-Sabotage, Commitment + Follow-Through: SB Pattern Roadblocks to Success 60 min
- 1:45-2:45pm Timeline Diagnostics: Breakdown, Assessment, Pattern Breakdowns 60 min
- 3:00-4:30pm Advanced Timeline Diagnostics: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Psych Disorders / Case Study Presentations 60 min
- 4:30-5:00 ACB Pathways: SB and EAC 30 min
Live Weekend Day 3 3.0 CE 8:30-1:00pm
- 8:30-8:45 Welcome/Check in/Questions
- 8:45-9:45 amPattern Interruption Techniques: Green / Red Cones + Timeline Mapping 60 min
- 9:45-10:45 The Misconception of Ego (present Personality Triangle) 60 min
- 10:45-11:45 Red to Green: How to Reactions, Behaviors and Decision-making Frameworks with Break Method 60 min
- 11:45-12:00pm Tools Breakdown and How to Apply
- 12:00-12:45pm Diagnostic Run Through from Intake to Final Strategy using Case Studies 45min
- 12:45-1:00pm Preparation for Online Component and Weekend Closing 15 min
Online Learning Component 30 CE’s
- Sex, Fantasy and Media Priming
- Money, Money, Money: Source Beliefs & Spending
- Food + Sex: Source Belief Based
- The Break Method Business Lecture
- The Victim & The Narcissist
- Toxic Relationships: Navigating Toxicity in the midst of Cancel Culture
- Relationship Strategy Session: How to Navigate Relationship Issues / Get on the same page
- Parenting Series (parts 1-3)
- The New Deviance
- Unwinding the ADHD Brain
- Compassion Fatigue
- Obstacle or Opportunity
- ELI & Hormonal Imbalance
- Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts & OCD
- Death: Sneaky Ways Your Belief System Around Death Controls Your Life
- Panic vs. Preparedness
- Obstacle or Opportunity
- Stop the Scroll: Consumption Addiction
Live Weekend 2 Day 1 -6.0 CE 8:30-5:00pm
- 8:45-9:45 am Opening Circle: Online Learning Feedback and Review 60 min
- 10:00-12:00pm The Break Method Keystones: Navigating a Break Method Practitioner Container Ethically and Sustainably 120 min
- 12:00-1:00 Client Roadblocks - Case Study Based 60 min
- 2:00-4:00 Client Outcomes: a Case Study Review by Pattern Type 120 min
- 4:00-5:00 Practitioner Leadership Training 60 min
Live Weekend 2 Day 2- 6.0 CE 8:30-5:00pm
- 8:45–12:45 Personal Pattern Presentations to the Group --> demonstrates their knowledge of self, brain constellation, self-sabotage pattern in their approach to therapy practice, in-depth understanding of their timeline diagnostic and how it impacts the way they present to the world around them. Close with setting 3 goals for their practice after graduation.
- 1:45-3:45pm Small Groups for Mock Client Exercises and Feedback from Staff 2 hours
- 4:00-5:00pm Mock 1:1 Testing
Live Weekend 2 Day 3- 3.0 CE 8:30-1:00pm
- 8:30-10:00 Next Steps: Expectations for Break Method Practitioners 90 min
- 10:00-10:30 Open Q+A with Founder to Close Any Remaining Questions 30 min
- 10:30-10:45 BREAK
- 10:45-11:45 The Future of Break Method: Community Outreach, Upcoming Projects and Opportunities 60. min
- 11:45-12:00pm The Self-Study - Additional tool set for use in private or group practice - breakdown of concepts, order and process 15 min
- 12:00-1:00pm Graduation Ceremony and Closing
This course is unique in that each participant will engage in the experiential learning process —concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Each participant will engage in 30 hours of online learning and practice. In addition participants will attend two live 3 day weekends for an additional 30 hours of learning. The 30 hours online will include lecture material, small group participation and 1:1 support as needed.
Participants will learn specific tools to help clients interrupt patterns of anxiety, depression, anger and shame before it creates chaos and friction in their lives. Practitioners will learn the importance of identifying emotional patterns in their clients to assist them in understanding their own brain patterns, essentially stopping the self sabotage and self doubt cycles.
Weekend 1 of the Break Method training is a 15 hour training divided over three days.
Weekend 1 will focus on the foundational content and introduction to the application for client process. Practitioners will have an opportunity to work in small groups and are invited to explore their own emotional pattern within a safe environment.
A trained facilitator monitors the groups through all the days of training to provide oversight and guidance during the practicums.
Participants are reminded of the importance of culturally responsive considerations and adaptations on Day 1 and throughout the training.
Weekend 2 of Break Method will focus on the application, case studies and the client process. Developing an understanding of Break Method and how to apply Break Method techniques to various clinical populations.
Program Fees (60 CE)
$ 4700.00 60 credit education hours
inquire about group discounts and payment plans.
This course is non-refundable. Participants may choose to transfer their registration to another semester.
Instructor Bio:
Bizzie Gold is regarded as one of the top personal development and wellness experts in the world and currently sits on the board of SIRA [ Self-Injury Recovery Anonymous ]. She is the Founder of Break Method, a comprehensive system of structured self-inquiry tools, online courses and in-person curricula created to rapidly rewire the emotional response system and stop systems of behavior that create chaos and relationship friction. She has been a featured workshop presenter and speaker at some of the most prestigious wellness institutes including Omega Institute, Kripalu and 1440 Multiversity. Gold has also appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, E!, Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post among others to discuss her unique approach to rapid emotional repatterning that has garnered widespread Hollywood and media praise.
Gold’s work presents thought-provoking insights on the causal relationship between childhood emotional patterning, subjective perception of reality and behavioral expressions in adulthood. With a background in hypnotherapy and energetic anatomy, Gold has created a process that allows students and practitioners to access important information from the subconscious without being blocked or mislead by the client’s self-deception protective reflex. Break Method helps clients and practitioners assimilate diagnostic patterns that inform the rewiring strategy for a 5-part brain constellation of chemically influenced behavioral expressions. Gold’s emotional repatterning system has over 3,000 graduates in 20 countries and a variety of psychologists, psychiatrists, naturopaths, social workers and professional counselors dedicated to bringing Break Method into the mental health sector worldwide.
Gold is host of top-rated podcast The Modern Good where she explores a variety of macro-level mental health and sociological issues with a motivational twist as well as consistent guest on top mental health and wellness podcasts. She is also the author of the best-selling book The Self-Study along with being a consistent presence as powerful motivational speaker on biohacking stages and mental health seminars worldwide. Gold is unapologetic in her desire to bring sustainable and efficient healing to the mental health space and do away with emotional and financial codependency and she is often referred to as “the Jordan Petersen all the women have been waiting for.”