It's Time to Become the Ripple

2022 is a wild time to be alive. This moment in history begs us to bring through genuinely NEW + INNOVATE tools to shift our world to a place it's never been before. This starts with you. When you rewire your pattern, you change the trajectory of your family, your friends and your community-at-large. Don't you think the world needs a healthy dose of ripple-catalysts?



You're here for a reason. Break Method finds you when you're at that important crossroads moment in your life: pretend things are perfect and keep on keepin' on or take notice of the shifts that could make an exponential difference in your day-to-day life and how they ultimately become your future destiny. If you have that nagging maybe-I-should-but-what-if thought process, you might need to watch these two podcast interviews below to shake yourself back into your inner-knowing. If I didn't take a chance on the moments that presented themselves to me magically and out of nowhere - tens of thousands of people wouldn't have access to this teaching. It is often the seemingly small, unimportant or stressful steps that set us up on the pathway that leads us to the exact moment we were meant to be. This might just be one of those moments - just make sure you're truly listening to your intuition not just your "gut" feeling [ HINT: that's just your brain's protective mechanism tricking you ].


Why Instinct + Intuition Are Not The Same



The Magic That Leads You To Your Destiny

I took a chance and followed the bizarre breadcrumbs that led me to creating Break Method. I had to diligently fight against the societal voice that made me want to run away from the way this work and teaching came into existence. But - I stayed the course. I committed and doubled-down on trusting my destiny. I hope you do too. Students often make their way here to Break Method when they're truly ready to exponentially level up in their inner thought life, their relationships and in the way they approach the world around them. I hope you hear that call and follow your breadcrumbs like I did. The world is waiting for you.