You’ve burned a hole in your pocket trying to stop your behavior... [ but you KEEP DOING IT ANYWAY] 😮
You’ve cycled through so many therapists you’re officially sick of your own story 🔴
You’ve become an expert at your terrible taste in intimate partners but... they still pull you in EVERY DAMN TIME 😂
Collect data to stop the cycle you have to pinpoint the REAL source of the pattern. This is often NOT what you think.🔑 And this won’t require endless loops of “how do you feel.” Break cuts through the noise and hits the target 🎯.
Map the Pattern - explore cause and effect relationships to determine our pattern hypothesis. This involves some hard-hitting detective work that will have you excited and engaged in your own healing process. You’ll be one part detective, one part secret agent and one part special ops.
Learn Pattern Diagnostics - Everyone thinks they are special and unique right up until they find out - they aren’t. Students learn how to predict their own and others behavioral patterns. The accuracy might even SCARE you. 😬
Test the Hypothesis - We don’t shoot in the dark and we don’t throw labels at you. In fact, every step of our process goes through rigorous testing in all areas of your life before we use it to create strategy.
Create Rewire Protocol - A fool-proof-streamlined-badass strategy is created to outsmart every excuse, justification, rationalization and protective reflex standing between you and your mental freedom. This strategy is a step-by-step process that you will execute for a 30 day rewiring period
Off to the Race - This is where you put it all into action. Where you embark on a 30 day emotional sprint that will change your life FOREVER. With the support and tough love guidance of your facilitator you will rewire your entire 5-part brain constellation - for good.
The Other Side - Graduates always talk about life on the other side with such a massive smile on their face. When they try to explain it, they often laugh and say it’s hard to put something so profound into words. Everything is different on the other side of Break Method - your perspective of the world around you, your relationship with self, your commitment and follow through, your relationship communication, sex life, eating behaviors and so much more. You won’t leave the same person you arrived and ⚡ ️plot twist ⚡ ️you’ll leave more YOU than ever.